Not literally, of course. But I do have that head-hurting, body-aching, totally exhausted feeling after my BEA weekend. I blame the bowling. Here are the highlights:

- For a short time,
SLJ has a picture up of the panel I was on during the Day of Dialog. A recap of the whole day is
- I went to a tea with children's authors where we sat at a table with an author and/or illustrator and had the opportunity to really discuss their work on a one-on-one basis. Among the authors in attendance were
Jon Scieszka,
Libba Bray,
Suzanne Collins,
Kristin Cashore, and many others (in particular, I heard glowing reviews from
Sarah Dessen's table). I was fortunate enough to sit with Christopher and Walter Dean Myers, both of whom have books coming out with
Egmont USA:
Riot (written in the same screenplay format as
Monster) and
Looking Like Me, which is the picture book illustrated by Christopher Myers. It was a fun discussion with lots of good-natured jabbing across the table between father and son, as well as some interesting conversation about identity, race, and the human experience.
Riot will be released in September 2009 and
Looking Like Me is available in October.
But, wait! There's more!
- I attended a reception for Egmont USA's inaugural list at
Hosfelt Gallery (swanky!). However, I was feeling rather anti-social by that point so I cornered
Ellen Greene and made her talk to me the whole time. There was a fab band playing and a few authors even danced. Servers also passed around goodies and there was a fantastic mushroom flatbread that Ellen and I swooned over. Overall, a lovely soiree.
- My last event was bowling at
Lucky Strike Lanes with Little, Brown in celebration of
Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd, their analogy edited by Holly Black and Cecil Castelluci (
Jenn's review). Name a major YA author and they were there: Libba Bray,
Scott Westerfeld,
Justine Larbalestier, David Levithan,
Holly Black,
Sara Zarr, Barry Lyga...and those were just the ones I recognized! I also got to hang out with two of my favorite YA librarians, Jack Martin and Chris Shoemaker. The best part? Competing with Scott Westerfeld for last place honors - it's hard to be intimidated by your favorite authors when you're bowling with them!
Eat, drink, and thanks to all the publishers and authors who made BEA so much fun!