Vintage Cellar wine and beer shop in Blacksburg. An amazing selection. And wine tastings that left
The Soul Twin's husband (and my second husband) grilling pizza. If I ever leave NYC, it will be because I miss outdoor living like this.
I was flipping through the Soul Twin's cookbooks...and found this great Post-It with menu ideas for our weekend together.
But the highlight of the trip was most definitely visiting Villa Appalaccia, a local winery. I've never been to Italy but I imagine that it's a lot like this winery. It was difficult to convince myself that I was actually on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia. And - bonus! - the wines were excellent. Check out this gorgeousness:

The entrance to the tasting roomI can hardly believe we fit so much into three days. But we did and it was marvelous. Food, wine, and friends. Add books - which I did - and it was just what the doctor ordered.
Eat, drink, and explore new places.
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