Underwood was not able to teach the last class. Fortunately, Chef James Briscione stepped in. Besides being devastatingly adorable with a drawling deep voice, he was actually very approachable and did a great job with us newbies. Again, I didn’t learn much in this class that I didn’t already know – I asked Chef James what kind of salt I should use in my pasta water (he answered “kosher”)…but anyone who reads my blog knows that I know darn well what kind of salt to use. Truth be known, I wanted to ask a question to encourage Chef James to speak…and I hoped to show him that I knew what I was doing...because he's really cute. Yep, I’m admitting my crush right here. But back to the food...What I did learn was that “primavera” is Italian for “spring-style” and that you shouldn’t make glazed walnuts on the stovetop because the sugar will burn before the walnuts are toasted (do them in a 350 degree oven for 10-15 minutes). At the end of class, Chef Jane came in and a few of us chatted for awhile. She has a blog as well, over at Wine and Food Philosophy. I hope to take a class from her someday – she strikes me as funny, bright, and down-to-earth.
More food coming up...
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