More controversy about today's BotB match: When You Reach Me vs. Tales from Outer Suburbia! People are upset because Julius Lester appeared to dismiss both When You Reach Me and A Wrinkle in Time on the mere basis that they're "time travel books" when, indeed, they're so much more.
This has been an eventful Battle of the Books to say the least.
I know I'm harping on a theme here, but this is the Fire quote today:
Living is too hard right now, he whispered into her mind. Dying is easy. Let me die.
Certainly overcoming adversity and finding inner personal strength are themes in both Graceling and Fire. And I'm always looking for inspiration so I'm naturally drawn to these moments in the books.
I will note, too, that I'm not giving anything away with this quote. You don't know who I'm talking about (assuming you haven't read the book) or whether he lives or dies. But given that my theme today is still personal strength, you can guess...
Tomorrow it's Round Two with M.T. Anderson judging Charles and Emma versus The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate.
Game on!
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