For instance, in my hometown(ish), there is Edible Sacramento. In the city where I left a little bit of my heart, there is Edible Phoenix. Edible Portland covers the city I love yet am incapable of living in. For those of you in the New York area, there is Edible Brooklyn and Edible Manhattan...and that's it...

Until now. Launching September 2009, there will be Edible Queens. And thank goodness, right? It's the most ethnically diverse borough (to my knowledge), combined with the Queens County Farm (the only remaining undisturbed farmland in the boroughs dating back to 1697), and it's primed to have its own publication.
It's a quarterly publication - 4 times a year - and there will also be regular web content. In fact, it appears as if I will be contributing some of that content. More details to come, of course, but for now let me remind everyone that the Edible Communities publications are locally owned and support local restaurants, farms, and shops. Take a look for your nearest magazine.
Eat, drink, and support local communities.
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