
Overdue linking

Two of my favorite fellow bloggers have written about food lately; however, in my absence, I wasn't able to draw proper attention and give them some love. So here is my overdue linkage:

Over at Ten Block Walk, Molly O'Neill recaps a lovely evening she and I had at the New School a couple weeks ago, listening to a lecture about Craig Claiborne's life and career. The panel included Molly O'Neill (this was an opportunity for Molly to meet her doppelganger!), Betty Fussell, Anne Mendelson, David Leite, and John T. Edge. I'm a relatively new reader to Claiborne's work so everything I heard was new and fresh. However, I particularly enjoyed Leite's discussion of how media - newspapers, books, etc. - are changing, thanks (or no thanks, depending on your perspective) to blogs and online resources. He brought specific attention to advertising and its slow (too slow) realization that online advertising and marketing is where the future is. It not only piqued my interest as an unpaid blogger but, as I enter the world of publishing and marketing, I'm left wondering in what ways I can innovate and create. I also feel so overwhelmed by it all: the way in which we receive content has changed and will change radically. Paradigm shifts rarely come easy. So I'm left mulling, mulling, mulling... Overall, it was another interesting lecture at the New School. I love the way these panels bring us from the past and the ways in which others blazed new trails (Craig Claiborne, Julia Child, Alice Waters) to the future and where the trail may lead.

In other foodie news, Brenda Bowen - fab literary agent - wrote a brief post (with photo!) about the Big Apple BBQ in Madison Square Park in June. I wasn't able to attend the event, but I heard nothing but fantastic things about the food. And when else do you see suckling pigs laying out on park benches?

Eat, drink, and blaze new trails.

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