
Eternal Flame

I tried a new recipe during the holidays: Scallops with Chestnut Sauce and Crisp Sage from Food and Wine (November 2009).  It was the first time I had encountered these instructions in a recipe: "Add the Cognac and carefully ignite it."  Needless to say, I was a bit nervous.

Bug had the nerve great idea to film the whole thing...being a child of the millenium and all, she already wants to get everything on camera.  So here it is (please ignore my Valley Girl voice and delight in Bug's whispered, "Oh my god"):

As you may or may not have been able to tell from the video, I singed my arm hairs.  "Singed" is such a gentle word, of course, but what I did was create a film of blackness on my arm and made the whole kitchen smell like burned cat.

Of course, it was AWESOME.

Eat, drink, and be daring.


Amy said...

First let me say I hope your arm is okay...but, the complete awe in your daughter's voice has made me watch this three times!

amy said...

Not that you would intentionally offer up your arm again but please tilt that pan to one side next time with one hand while you light it from a ninety degree angle with the other. I would like to see you with all limbs intact the next time I visit.

Unknown said...

Right? In hindsight, I realize how horribly I screwed that up. I should have done it in a saute pan, right? Having to stick my arm down into a saucepan was not one of my more brilliant ideas...

And Bug's voice is the best part! [whispers] "Oh my god..."