...As you'll remember, one of the things on 2009's To-Do list was to host more dinner parties. Unfortunately, our usual dinner party guests are not available this weekend (Gimpel & her crew...or the Prince-Ess family). But I want to do a dinner party on Saturday night (Mar. 7th).
So here's the deal: there are 4 empty seats at my table for Saturday night. First come, first served. You're invited. Provided you live in NYC, of course, or are willing to come here. And you have to make the trek out to Queens, you Manhattan/Brooklyn folks.
I don't have a menu yet, which is probably a good thing because I can tailor it to whoever, if anyone, comes. I can do vegetarian, but nothing vegan/wheat-free at this point in time.
Please RSVP by Friday night, March 6th, midnight. And in case you're not so sure, here is a glimpse of dinner at the Lutz household:

NOTE: Usually we start around 7:00 p.m. This includes appetizers and drinks while Kiddo gets ready for bed. Dinner generally starts at 8:30 p.m. after Kiddo goes to sleep. Expect to be finished with dinner and dessert around 10:30 p.m. Conversation often goes until midnight. But what I'm really getting at is that you have to be cool with a 7-year-old for the first hour.
ANOTHER NOTE: I obviously reserve the right to rescind this if, you know, I've never heard of you before. But if you are a blogger I haven't met and you want to come, that's cool too - just let me know your blog, etc. etc. Introduce yourself.
Me me me , I wanna come, I wont even bring anyone, promise, just little ol me.
Let me know if I made the cut, pfang69@gmail.com
This sounds so fun, Laura! Alas, I already have plans. But count me in next time you want to do this--and I'll come help cook, too!
Ah. Bummer that you're table is full now, as Tom and I bring really good wine with us. ;) A Cookie Fix could have also been arranged...
I love that I have interested parties! Kevin, you're in, of course. Meghan, I have four spots so if you and Tom are free, you're totally invited. Ina Garten has this whole philosophy behind dinner parties, one of which is a carefully chosen guest list. But that is soooo not me - Ina's philosophy is way too calculating. I say, Come on over, one and all. So let me know if you're able to attend, Meghan.
Molly, I'm thinking I'm going to host a dinner party just for publishing folks: you, Ellen, Heather Scott, and Martha.
Kevin, Adam said you were trained as a pastry chef? Is that right? Man, I have made all the right friends!
THIS is such a cool idea!! i love your spontaneity! i wish we could come but we have a birthday party for our good friends tom. night.
SO much fun... i'm down for the next one (if you so dare to have one again!).
amy and jonny :)
We want to come to dinner;( Now...if we could only find a way to get to New York by tomorrow...hmmm. How far west does the subway go again?
Wow...you are a generous soul! Spending all day at C.P. at a 6 year-old bday party. Have fun, and let us know your menu!
Darn, I wish I were in town that night. I promise I could do more than ask questions about library school!
I would love to come, but unfortunately, my kiddo isn't asleep by 8:30. If you'd like to do this and include kids one night, I am so there. Marshall and I will even bring dessert!
Adam I would love to be apart of this.. Count me in! :)
Kevin and Alfred, I'll get you details about where we live.
Meghan and Tom, you in?
I *love* the thought of a publishing dinner. Let's plan it!
Aw man. I only just saw this and with so little room left I know Matt and I won't be able to make it in. I hereby swear to follow Pinot and Prose far more closely. Count me in on that publishing dinner at least.
Alfred, I don't have your contact info! Email me via the blog or at lauraalutz@gmail.com. Adam is also going to contact you via your work email so we can give you directions.
Fun! Hope you had a good night. I can't believe your kiddo goes to bed so early when guests are there. Mine are up for forever! Maybe someday I'll be in NY again... Or if you're out here, come on over! ;)
Yikes! I never checked back in the comments. I hope you guys had a great time!
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