
Checking in

I just got home from the NCTE/ALAN conference and I have so much to share with you - it was exhilarating and exhausting and frustrating and wonderful. But I only have today back home and then I'm off to Floria for Thanksgiving (leaving Adam and Bug at home to go sit on the beach with my Soul Twin!). But I'll be thinking of you - I can't wait to tell you about the conference!

One business matter to address before I go: you might notice that I have now turned on comment moderation. I hate to do it but the spammers are killing me with advertisements for penile dysfunction. And I'm guessing you guys don't want to read about it any more than I do.
And if you do want to read about it, there are sources out there more reliable than my blog.

In case I don't get a post in before I leave for Florida, happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I'm thankful for good meals, good wine, and good friends. I'm thankful for an exciting job, which makes me thankful for the authors and illustrators that inspire me daily. Thank you for sharing your work with us.

Eat, drink, and thanks to all of you.

1 comment:

Jennifer Buehler said...

So wonderful to meet you in the exhibit hall at NCTE! And then to discover that this blog I bookmarked in September is yours.