
SLJ Battle of the Books: Personal Strength

I'm thrilled with today's results over at SLJ's BotB website: The Storm in the Barn vs. Sweethearts of Rhythm - it wasn't an easy one to judge but Silvey is always articulate and her reasoning was just.

As expected, when I give myself something to write about on a schedule, I tend to drop some days. Nevertheless, I'm back with another quote from Fire that is just the sort of thing I need to hear today:

I'm not Cansrel; at every step on this path I create myself. And maybe I'll
always find my own power horrifying, and maybe I can't ever be what I'd most
like to be.

The quote goes on and I would share more, but I'm trying not to give away any plot points here.

But I love this quote..."I create myself." The idea that there is no past, that you have the power to shape yourself, to affect the quality of each and every day. Fire has inherited such a hideous legacy and I love this moment where she frees herself from it.

Waiting with bated breath for tomorrow's vote: When You Reach Me vs. Tales from Outer Suburbia!

Game on!

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