Age ranging is coming to the UK, and books will begin to be labeled with the ages for which the subject matter is most appropriate: 5+, 7+, 9+, 11+ and 13+. I have mixed feelings about this for all the reasons you’d guess. First, this could be so helpful for parents browsing books on their own, and I know lots of librarians and teachers would appreciate this feature. However, I also believe that it’s just one more way that the thought and judgment process is being taken out of reading. Naturally, this is not going to alleviate the issue of all those parents who stomp and protest that a book isn’t appropriate for their child. I mean, you can say that the age range is for subject appropriateness, but anyone in libraries, schools, or bookstores will confirm that parents will not read it like that: “My 8-year-old reads at the 7th grade level.” But then they’ll throw a hissy when their child asks them about breasts, snogging, and wet dreams. Also, this is another way in which customer service is disappearing from our culture: why bother with booksellers and librarians when you can find out the age range online? Never mind that booksellers and librarians will have likely read whatever book is in question and might be able to tell you if it’s what you’re looking for or not… So while I think it’s a nice idea, I really question how much good “age ranging” is going to do.

I know, totally snarky, right? I’m being so against my better judgment, I assure you. I could very well live to regret this.
I also have lots of delicious (but not necessarily food-related) news about a certain Mr. David Fickling (of Random House) and the launch of his new comics line. But that will have to be saved for an entirely separate post. Stay tuned!
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